Category Archives: Godot

Tutorials on how to build cool stuff in Godot.

Save Game Synchronization with iCloud In Godot


This guide is by no means authoritative on this subject. I was satisfied with how the feature was working in my own game and thought I would share the steps I took did to get it working. Hopefully somebody will find this useful, and maybe improve it.

With the release of Godot 3.3 and, plugins finally being available for iOS, I figured this would be a great time to try to get this feature working. The Godot developers have official iOS Plugins for GameCenter, iCloud and StoreKit and they have written official documentation for them.

Wait a minute, there isn’t any documentation for iCloud on that page, what gives? Your observation is correct, and that is what made this task a challenge to complete. Hopefully this guide will be useful as a stepping stone in helping other developers get this feature working in their games.

Apple offers 3 different types of online storage that you can use with your game. Key-Value Storage, Document Storage and Cloudkit. This guide is going to focus on Key-Value Storage to achieve Cloud Saves and Save Game Synchronization. Key-Value Storage does have some limitations to be aware of. Your game will only have 1 megabyte of Key-Value iCloud Storage per user and strings are limited to being 64 bytes.

If you have not already registered to be an Apple developer, you will need to head on over and register, and pay your $100 annual fee. Once you are a registered Apple developer, make an app identifier and select iCloud as one of the app’s capabilities. Click on the edit button to create an iCloud Container URL.

This will not work if you do not have the service set up properly with apple.

Once the App Configuration with Apple is finished we are ready to start working in Godot. Lets create a new project and start by installing the iCloud plugin from its Git Repository. After downloading and extracting the plugin, we need to add it to our project. Inside of our project directory make a “ios/plugins” folder, then drag the iCloud folder that you extracted into the plugins folder.

This is what your project directory will look like with the plugin successfully installed

With the plugin installed we are ready to start writing some code. Make a new scene with the root node just being a standard node and attach a script to it. The very first variable that we are going to declare is an empty reference to store the iCloud Singleton.

var iCloud;

This is now where we need to start planning what kind of data we need to store and synchronize with iCloud. The Key-Value Storage solution has methods that we can use to upload and download individual Key / Value pairs or groups of Key / Value pairs. If hearing that made you start thinking that this sounds almost exactly like a Godot Dictionary, that’s because you are correct.

Instead of managing individual variables we can make a dictionary with all of our data. Things that you typically would want to save would be player progress related. As an example I am going to make a dictionary with HP, XP and Coins. We are also going to need a key in the dictionary to help keep your data synchronized, so I am going to make a Timestamp key too.

var save_data = {
HP = 3,
XP = 100,
Coins = 10,
Timestamp = 0

Inside of the node’s ready event we are going to check if iCloud is available and assign the singleton to the blank reference that we created earlier. Because we are dealing with a singleton that may not always be available, I like to keep any function calls that are platform specific inside of an if statement that checks for the current platform.

func _ready():
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && Engine.has_singleton("ICloud")):
          iCloud = Engine.get_singleton("ICloud");

With the iCloud singleton now assigned, we can write save and load functions to send and receive data to and from iCloud. Inside of our _save() function we will call set_key_values and pass it our dictionary to upload it, and after we will synchronize iCloud. _load() will be where we call get_all_key_values to to download data from iCloud and assign it to a temporary variable.

func _save(data):
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && iCloud):

func _load():
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && iCloud):
          var temp_data = iCloud.get_all_key_values();

Now at this point we have data being uploaded to iCloud, and we are downloading data from iCloud. But we are not doing anything with that data yet, and we have no way of knowing if the data that we just downloaded from iCloud is correct. So at this point we are going to do a little bit of validation.

The timestamp key that we created in our local dictionary is going to be what we use to determine which save file is is the most to date. That key will need to store the timestamp from when it was uploaded. Then when we download the data we can check the time that it was uploaded and compare it with our local data to see which is more recent.

Godot has multiple methods of getting a date that you can compare, but I think that the easiest one is to get a Unix time stamp. Unix and Linux calculate time by counting the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. This is great for us, that means that the function OS.get_unix_time() returns in integer value, and we can just compare which int is larger. We can also add a print line just so that we can see it worked when we run this on an iPhone.

func _save(data):
     if (data.has("Timestamp"):
          data.Timestamp = OS.get_unix_time();
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && iCloud):

func _load():
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && iCloud):
          var temp_data = iCloud.get_all_key_values();
          if (temp_data.has("Timestamp"):
               if (temp_data.Timestamp >= save_data.Timestamp):
                    save_data = temp_data;

Now that our save and load functions are finished and we validate which is the most recent save data we just need to call these functions. we can call _load() right after we get the iCloud singleton in the ready function. The easiest spot to put the save function would be in the exit tree function when the app is closed.

func _ready():
     if (OS.get_name() == "iOS" && Engine.has_singleton("iCloud")):
          iCloud = Engine.get_singleton("iCloud");

func _exit_tree():

That is all of the code that we need to make this project work. We are now ready to export the project and continue working in Xcode. To export click on Project -> Export -> iOS (Runnable). Make sure that you have installed the build template for iOS, clicked the checkbox to export with the iCloud plugin. Your App Store Team ID and App Bundle Identifier are also required for the feature to work.

These need to be filled out properly or this will not work

The Godot iCloud Plugin doesn’t automatically add the capability in Xcode. We will need to add the capability after opening the project in Xcode. Adding a capability is done by clicking your project name in the view on the left hand side, then click “Signing & Capabilities” near the top. The button to add a capability is now immediately under the “Signing & Capabilities” link. After the capability has been added, you need to check the Key-Value Storage checkbox, and the Cloudkit checkbox which seems to be what activates the link to your container.

I have outlined all of the steps in red.

And that is pretty much it. This is all I have needed to do to get this working, plug in an iPhone or iPad press the play button at the top and keep an eye on the console output.

Keep in mind that the very first time your app is run by a new user get_all_key_values() returns an empty dictionary, and the if statements will validate as false the first time your game is executed (and could cause your game to crash if you don’t check if keys exist before you try to access them). Once you quit your game and data is uploaded to iCloud, subsequent boots should trigger the print command that we put in the example.

The console output the first time I got this working in Captain Skyrunner

The new plugin system for iOS is real cool and pretty easy to use, the developers and contributors to Godot should be proud. Unfortunately there isn’t an official Godot Plugin to do save game sync with Android / Google Play, like there is with iOS. Thankfully there is this plugin that is available, and the documentation is pretty good too, so I don’t think that I need to write a guide for Android.

Until Next Time
– Steven

I have done some more work on this and the feature works without needing CloudKit or your CloudKit URL checked when you compile.

Randomly Generated Dungeons in Godot Part 3 – Finishing Touches

You can click here to read part 1
You can click here to read part 3

Last time we worked on this tutorial we had the isometric world being created, the player being moved to the center of the map and collisions with the tilemap working properly. What we did not have working properly was sprite depth, resulting in the player always rendering above the walls. So in this final part of the tutorial we are going to be adding the finishing touches to this little project.

Before we get working on the sprite depth issue, I want to first address an issue that will help clean up the rooms that the algorithm generates. Currently the random walk can sometimes leave a single wall tile surrounded by floor tiles. You may have seen them yourself if you followed the last tutorial.

There are examples in this screenshot

Fixing this little issue doesn’t take a whole lot of extra work. Inside of our _generate_map() function, right after the nested loop that is used to flag walls (right before we move the player at the end), we can make another nested for loop that will check for walls, and if the wall has a floor on all 4 sides, we just turn it into a floor.

for x in room_size.x:
		for y in room_size.y:
			if get_cell(x, y) == WALL:
				if get_cell(x-1, y) == GROUND && get_cell(x+1, y) == GROUND && get_cell(x, y-1) == GROUND && get_cell(x, y+1) == GROUND:
					set_cell(x, y, GROUND);

With that additional little bit of code, the maps that this algorithm generates will look a lot cleaner, and will not have random walls sticking out like a sore thumb in our rooms. Now we can focus on getting the player to render behind the walls.

Thankfully Godot 3.2.1 has some functionality built into the tilemap node that will help us out with this. Inside of the tilemap properties we can enable Y Sort, and change the Tile Origin from Top Left to Center.

If it was this easy, why didn’t you just do it last time?

This is only the first part of the solution. I am not sure if you ever tried to manually place tiles on the tilemap, but if you did you might have noticed something funny. Because my sprites are positioned at the bottom on the PNG file, the tiles are drawn below their coordinates on the grid. To fix this, we need to go inside of the tileset data and offset the texture and shape.

Where you can find the Texture and Shape offset for the Tiles

With my sprites I found that an offiset of -64 to the texture and collision shape puts it just about where it needs to be. If you are using your own sprites, your adjustments will probably be different than mine. You will need to apply the offset to the wall and floor tiles and even the void tile (because it has a collision shape). With all of this work complete, when we run our game we get something that looks like this.

Not quite the solution we were looking for.

The player is rendering behind the walls, just like we want, but he is also rendering behind the floor when he moves through it. The reason this is happening is because of the isometric perspective the player will register as above / below the floor at the half way point. This works perfectly for walls but not so great for the floor.

The easiest solution that was proposed to me was to split the floor and walls into separate tilemap nodes. You have the wall tilemap node as a child of the floor and only turn ysort on for the wall tilemap node. Any object that we want to render behind the walls (like the player or enemies) needs to be a child of the wall tilemap node.

Make sure your Wall Tilemap has the same settings as the floor. Also don’t forget to load the tileset

This change will break the game if you try to run it, we need to modify our script so that the game will run. At the start of the script we can make an onready variable to reference the new tilemap and the player scene.

onready var Walls = $WallTiles;
onready var Player = $WallTiles/KinematicBody2D;

After these references have been made we go to where we were adding the walls and insert our new variable before the function calls (do the same thing when we move the player). To remove the single walls we now add a floor tile to the floor tilemap and set the wall tile to be the default value of -1. You can edit your code to look like mine.

#This is inside of our _generate_map() function
for x in room_size.x:
	for y in room_size.y:
		if get_cell(x, y) == GROUND:
			if get_cell(x, y-1) == VOID:
				Walls.set_cell(x, y-1, WALL);
			if get_cell(x-1, y) == VOID:
				Walls.set_cell(x-1, y, WALL);
for x in room_size.x:
	for y in room_size.y:
		if Walls.get_cell(x, y) == WALL:
			if get_cell(x-1, y) == GROUND && get_cell(x+1, y) == GROUND && get_cell(x, y-1) == GROUND && get_cell(x, y+1) == GROUND:
				Walls.set_cell(x, y, -1);
				set_cell(x, y, GROUND);
Player.position = map_to_world(room_size / 2);

Now the player will always render above the floor, and will render behind the walls, like we want. There is one last thing that frustrates me with this solution. Currently the walls will always render in front of the floor when I had intended the floors to render in front of the walls. If you look carefully at the screenshot, you can see that the walls will cut off the floor, and I don’t really like the way that it looks.

My beautiful floors, what have you done?

The solution that I came up with is to lift up the walls so that the bottom of the wall lines up with the top of the floor. I adjusted the offsets to the walls from -64 to -69 and it seemed to work. But now that the walls have been lifted up, there will be a little gap under the walls that I don’t think looks very good. To fix that, I add another floor beneath every wall.

for x in room_size.x:
	for y in room_size.y:
		if get_cell(x, y) == GROUND:
			if get_cell(x, y-1) == VOID:
				Walls.set_cell(x, y-1, WALL);
				set_cell(x, y-1, GROUND);
			if get_cell(x-1, y) == VOID:
				Walls.set_cell(x-1, y, WALL);
				set_cell(x-1, y, GROUND);
Yay, its working properly.

With that, we should have the players rendering behind the walls when he is above them and in front of them when below. The walls should have a floor underneath them so that there isn’t a gap below the walls. If you notice that the player is still clipping behind the wall at the corners, you just need to make the hitbox for the wall or the player slightly bigger and it should fix the problem.

Until Next Time
– Steven